====== ColumnStore Minimum Hardware Specification ====== The following table outlines the minimum recommended production server specifications which can be followed for both on premise and cloud deployments. ====== Architecture and System ====== Currently ColumnStore is only available for the AMD64 architecture, on Linux systems. ===== Per Server ===== **CPU architecture** * The CPU must support Intel SSE4.2 or ARM Advanced SIMD instructions. **Physical server resources** * Development environment: 2 core CPU, 32 GB memory * Production environment: 4 core CPU, 128 GB memory **Storage type** * Development environment: local disk * Production environment: * S3 or [[storagemanager:s3-providers|compatible service]] * For multi-node deployments: shared storage ===== Network ===== In a multi server deployment data will be passed around via TCP/IP networking. At least a 1G network is recommended. ===== Details ===== These are minimum recommendations and in general the system will perform better with more hardware: * More CPU cores and servers will improve query processing response time. * More memory will allow the system to cache more data blocks in memory. * Faster network will allow data to flow faster between UM and PM nodes. * SSD's may be used, however the system is optimized towards block streaming which may perform well enough with HDD's for lower cost. * Where it is an option, it is recommended to use bare metal servers for additional performance since ColumnStore will fully consume CPU cores and memory. * In general it makes more sense to use a higher core count / higher memory server for single server or 2 server combined deployments. * In a deployment with multiple UM nodes the system will round robin requests from the mysqld handling the query to any ExeMgr in the cluster for load balancing. A higher bandwidth network such as 10g or 40g will be of benefit for large result set queries. ====== AWS Instance Types ====== For AWS our own internal testing generally uses m4.4xlarge instance types as a cost effective middle ground. R4.8xlarge has also been tested and performs about twice as fast for about twice the price. ====== Requirements Verification ====== Use this line to verify that the CPU supports a suitable instruction set. If the CPU is not adequate, the command will print nothing. cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -E 'sse4_2|neon|asimd' ---- [[https://web.archive.org/web/20230407102735/https://mariadb.com/kb/en/columnstore-minimum-hardware-specification/|Original document]] {{page>:footer}}