Table of Contents

Building ColumnStore in MariaDB

This is a description of how to build and start a local ColumnStore installation, for debugging purposes.

The content of this page might be obsolete. If you can provide updated information, please edit this page or add a comment.

Install the dependencies

For CentOS:

  yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools" \
      && yum -y install bison ncurses-devel readline-devel perl-devel openssl-devel cmake libxml2-devel gperf libaio-devel libevent-devel python-devel ruby-devel tree wget pam-devel snappy-devel libicu \
      && yum -y install vim wget strace ltrace gdb  rsyslog net-tools openssh-server expect \
      && boost perl-DBI

Get the source code

  git clone
  cd mariadb-columnstore-server/

git clone


  cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
      make -j10
  sudo make install
  cd mariadb-columnstore-engine/
  cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
  make -j10
  sudo make install
  cd /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/bin/


  Make sure you do NOT have /etc/my.cnf or /.my.cnf.
  sudo ./postConfigure

Answer “Enter” to all questions, except:

  Select the type of System Server install [1=single, 2=multi] (2) > 

Here, answer 1.

Access the server

  source /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/bin/columnstoreAlias

Original document