Table of Contents

ColumnStore Minimum Hardware Specification

The following table outlines the minimum recommended production server specifications which can be followed for both on premise and cloud deployments.

Architecture and System

Currently ColumnStore is only available for the AMD64 architecture, on Linux systems.

Per Server

CPU architecture

Physical server resources

Storage type


In a multi server deployment data will be passed around via TCP/IP networking. At least a 1G network is recommended.


These are minimum recommendations and in general the system will perform better with more hardware:

AWS Instance Types

For AWS our own internal testing generally uses m4.4xlarge instance types as a cost effective middle ground. R4.8xlarge has also been tested and performs about twice as fast for about twice the price.

Requirements Verification

Use this line to verify that the CPU supports a suitable instruction set. If the CPU is not adequate, the command will print nothing.

 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -E 'sse4_2|neon|asimd'

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