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Installing MariaDB ColumnStore (single node) on Ubuntu 22.04

First, go the the following URL:

Choose MariaDB Server Repositories, and install MariaDB by following the instructions provided by that page.

Verify that MariaDB is correctly installed, and run the following commands:

  apt-get update -y
  apt-get install -y mariadb-plugin-columnstore

Using jemalloc

jemalloc is an alternative malloc implementation. It is recommended with MariaDB ColumnStore, because with the default allocator mmap-ed memory will never be released. See MCOL-2136.

With this installation procedure, MariaDB will run as a systemd service. So you will need to instruct systemd to load jemalloc instead of malloc.

In the /lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service file, locate the [Service] group and add this line:


Now you should reload the configuration, so that the new setting can take effect, and restart MariaDB:

  systemctl daemon-reload
  systemctl restart mariadb

For more information, see the MariaDB KB page Using MariaDB with TCMalloc or jemalloc.

Enabling S3

To enable S3, first install MariaDB S3 storage engine:

  apt-get install -y mariadb-plugin-s3

Then configure the ColumnStore StorageManager:

  mcsSetConfig Installation DBRootStorageType "StorageManager"
  mcsSetConfig StorageManager Enabled "Y"
  mcsSetConfig SystemConfig DataFilePlugin ""

With this minimal configuration, the StorageManager can be loaded and started by ColumnStore. For a complete configuration, see the StorageManager section.

The first version of this document was created as part of the MariaDB ColumnStore Unofficial Documentation Project. It was not copied from another source.

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